django new


Two features, one post. One command, even.

One problem that occasionally, but repeatedly, comes up is that Django's startproject command doesn't really do enough. You will always need to run startapp as well, and then you need to add the app to the INSTALLED_APPS. Or, does it actually do too much? Would you be better starting from first principles? Maybe some people would learn better like this.

We can solve both of these problems, and one more: startproject is such a boring name for your first step in Django. We could have a new new command (that perhaps proxies to startproject) that creates a more useful project to start from. But which one? Both, obviously. Just ask the user.

$ django-admin new
Which type of project would you like to create?
1: Quick start Django project
2: Single file project
3: A classic project
You may also enter a path or URL to a custom template

Not too bad. If you like this idea, do please comment on the draft DEP.

I promised two features, though. The second one is simple, and I'm not the only one to have thought of it. Rename django-admin to django and alias django-admin to it. How do you start a new Django project? Easy, django new.